I🫀GORE Fest Sponsors

$50.00 - $1,000.00

You can also donate or pay directly through:
cash app: $GOREgousGirls
Venmo: eRockGG

🫀Dates of Convention: June 6-8,2025
Niagara Event Center
71 Concord Ave.
Put-in-Bay, Ohio 43456

Sponsors: Can't make it but still want your company advertised or are you looking to further advertise your company while vending at our show? Here is your opportunity!

🫀Level 1 ($50):
🩸Social media shout outs
🩸Business card advertisement in our I🫀GORE Feat Collectors Program

🫀Level 2 ($100):
🩸Social media shout outs
🩸Business card advertisement in our I🫀GORE Collectors Program
🩸Business card advertisement in GOREgous Girls Magazine (next available issue)
🩸1 Weekend pass

🫀Level 3 ($300):
🩸Social media shout outs
🩸Logo on our banners
🩸Half page advertisement in our I🫀GORE Fest Collectors Program
🩸Half page advertisement in GOREgous Girls Magazine (next available issue)
🩸3 Weekend passes

🫀Level 4 ($500):
🩸Social media shout outs
🩸Logo on our banners & Tshirts
🩸Advertising on GG website for a year
🩸Full page advertisement in GG Magazine (next available issue)
🩸Full page advertising in our I🫀GORE Fest Collectors Program
🩸2 VIP Passes

🫀Level 5 (1,000):
🩸Social media shout outs
🩸Logo on our banners & Tshirts
🩸Advertising on GG website for a year
🩸Full page advertisement in GG Magazine (next 2 available issue)
🩸Full page advertising in our I🫀GORE Fest Collectors Program
🩸2 VIP Passes
🩸2 Nights (Friday & Saturday) Hotel Stay Grand Islander Inn

Please send all logos, advertising and information to [email protected]